It is with delight that we are able to announce that Moms on Mushrooms is collaborating on a new citizen science survey looking at PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) and microdosing. We have been working with Dr. Pamela Kryskow - Psychedelic Researcher, Medical Doctor, Psychedelic Association of Canada Board Member - to ask the right questions on how microdosing helps with symptoms of PMDD.
The survey we have co-created will collect anonymized information from citizen scientists to get a better look into how we are using microdosing and other treatments to deal with any premenstrual symptoms. This pilot survey will allow us to fine tune and plan for clinical trials in this greatly understudied area.We will be using Quantified Citizen as the platform to gather data for this initiative. QC is the leading citizen science and online health studies and lifelog app It is fully HIPPA compliant and uses 100% anonymous data to move the science of psychedelics for health forward
This initial survey is the first step towards meaningful, ethical and fully funded scientific studies that could greatly impact how we treat women’s reproductive and mental health, through accessible psychedelics for all. This is the cornerstone of the M.O.M. mission.
If you or anyone you know suffers from premenstrual symptoms (PMS) or if you believe you have PMDD (diagnosed or undiagnosed) we encourage you to complete this survey and share it with anyone else in your circles.
If you would like to be updated on future progress with this study please CLICK HERE and you’ll be notified first with all progress and updates.
