Welcome to Summer School! This comprehensive 8-week course gives you all the same access to our course materials, along with a similar format as our more intimate up-to-10-person cohorts, but with a more flexible schedule and a cheaper price tag! We designed this larger group session for moms who haven't been able to Course.1 yet - either do to schedule limitations, or perhaps small groups aren't her thing - but are still ready to dive into a microdosing practice with guidance and great information.
Interested? READ ON and sign up for your FREE Discovery Call ASAP so we can get you enrolled!
My children are all grown adults, but as a mother that is still guiding their children, I'm still interested in this platform and all that they are offering...I would love to become part of this community...so I guess my question is...Is there a certain age requirement that your children have to fall in, to become part of this forum?
Does anyone answer questions? I have questions before I purchase a course but the lack of responses to questions makes me think twice.
Where do you acquire mushrooms or the mushroom capsules?
How do you get mushrooms? I have suffered from depression my whole life I'm so tired of being put on antidepressants that don't work and doctors just throw medications at you and they don't help, I use marijuana for insomnia and it helps so much better than sleeping pills and anxiety and helps with my appetite and that's really all I use it for...
How can I start micro dosing?